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About Our Chapter
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ASAS and the NBA Partner Up
2018 NBA All-Star FIT Celebration We kicked off the weekend on Thursday at the first official NBA All-Star Weekend event. One of our local middle and high school partners was the recipient of a world-class renovation of their sports and fitness facilities, thanks to the NBA and Kaiser Permanente. The renovated indoor and outdoor spaces …
ASAS Students Invited to “Beating the Odds” Summit on Capital Hill
Two incredible All-Stars, out of 136 carefully selected participants, attended Former First Lady Michelle Obama’s “Beating the Odds” summit, a discussion on how to help more students successfully transition to college with the tools and resources they need to complete their degrees.
From the Outdoors to the Oval Office
Las Vegas All-Star student Bianca met with President Obama at the White House last week to celebrate his announcement of the designation of three new national monuments, including one located in Nevada’s Basin and Range Province, an iconic part of the American landscape that contains rock art dating back 4,000 years. Earlier this year, Bianca …
All-Stars Go Behind the Camera
Nearly 200 South Florida and Orlando All-Stars got a behind-the-scenes look at sports careers off the court by participating in “Career Exploration Opportunities” field trips this spring. They visited the FOX Sports Florida offices and American Airlines Arena, as well as the Orlando Amway Center and FOX Sports Broadcast trucks. “Everyone on the FOX Sports …
There’s No “Pay-To-Play” at After-School All-Stars
TAMPA – Most students bolt for the door when the last bell of the school day rings. But for dozens of students at Memorial Middle School, the end of the regular school day is the beginning of an extended stay on campus. ASAS Tampa Bay is one of 18 chapters of After-School All-Stars, a nonprofit …
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Spreading the Love on Valentine’s Day
Equipped with a photo booth, Valentine’s Day decorations and a sundae car, Breana and Melody made sure that everyone in the office felt appreciated and left their celebration feeling one thing: LOVE. A day of hard work ended with laughter, smiles, and fond memories!