< PreviousOUR CHAPTERS las vegas After-School All-Stars Las Vegas focuses on exposing students to off-campus activities that connect them to mentors, career opportunities, and the great outdoors. Since 2007, ASAS Las Vegas has provided Lifetime Adventures classes to connect underserved students to environments outside their neighborhoods and to promote youth outdoor learning and wilderness travel. The program uses outdoor activities as a tool to develop positive social skills that transfer directly to each student’s day-to-day life. Youth involved in Lifetime Adventures learn about responsibility, teamwork, trust, personal growth, community service learning, and stewardship for the environment. Students plan and participate in field trips to nearby places such as Mt. Charleston and Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area. We choose to highlight outdoor learning because we know the impact it has on our students’ grades, stress levels, motivation, and overall behavior. 5,699 STUDENTS 16 SCHOOLS 87% QUALIFY FOR FREE OR REDUCED LUNCH PROGRAM LEADERSHIP JODI MANZELLA, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR JENNA MORTON, BOARD CHAIR 20 | AFTER-SCHOOL ALL-STARS | 2019 ANNUAL REPORT PARTNERS ETHNICITY • 5% Asian/Pacific Islander • 23% Black/African American • 55% Hispanic/Latinx EXPENSES • 85% Program • 7% Fundraising • 8% Administration • 10% White • 7% Other • 49% Foundation • 36% Government • 9% Event • 2% In-Kind • 1% Individual • 3% Other REVENUEOUR CHAPTERS LOS ANGELES After-School All-Stars Los Angeles strives to empower students through mentorship and service. We recognize the importance of a strong, supportive community in our students’ lives. The story of 8th grade All-Star Angela exemplifies our mission. Like many of the students we serve, Angela has very challenging home circumstances that impact her health and well-being. Angela was selected as our Youth Advisory Board Member, which enabled her self-confidence to flourish as she worked to raise awareness of mental health and emotional well-being for her peers. In response to the violence she saw around her, she created an event called “A Moment of Peace” to help people experience calm hearts and emotional well-being while eliminating hate, fear and guilt. Angela received support from 30 ASAS-LA schools as well as ASAS schools in Florida, Ohio and Hawaii. She has organized several more projects, including the “World of Kindness” event, which raised over $1,000 to support a local LGBTQI organization and created a mental health booklet to serve as a resource for 500 students at our annual ASAS-LA Youth Leadership Conference. We could not be prouder of Angela and her passion to ensure students are mentally healthy. 20,607 STUDENTS 55 SCHOOLS 90% QUALIFY FOR FREE OR REDUCED LUNCH PROGRAM LEADERSHIP ANA CAMPOS, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SABRINA KAY, BOARD CHAIR AFTER-SCHOOL ALL-STARS | 2019 ANNUAL REPORT | 21 PARTNERS ETHNICITY • 1% Asian/Pacific Islander • 4% Black/African American • 86% Hispanic/Latinx EXPENSES • 91% Program • 1% Fundraising • 8% Administration • 2% White • 7% Other • 52% Government • 43% In-Kind • 3% Foundation • 1% Corporate • 1% Other REVENUEOUR CHAPTERS NEW JERSEY After-School All-Stars NJ is dedicated to creating a programmatically engaging environment that fosters safety and trust with nurturing staff and program leaders. The NJ team empowers the next generation of leaders, entrepreneurs and civil activist through cutting edge programming and pathway creating curriculum that allows students to experience careers through programs to better recognize their passions and interest. “At ASAS NJ, we build a strong foundation of discovery and exploration with our students, to ensure the skills and interest they develop can flourish throughout life” says Executive Director Nicole Harris. ASAS NJ has the unique advantage of all their staff members growing up in the NY/NJ tri-state area. Student’s relate to staff in many ways including cultural and community connections as well as serve real-life mentors. We believe in offering unique experiences and strong academic support to enable long lasting success. 777 STUDENTS 5 SCHOOLS 88% QUALIFY FOR FREE OR REDUCED LUNCH PROGRAM LEADERSHIP NICOLE HARRIS, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TIM HEPPLEWHITE, BOARD CHAIR 22 | AFTER-SCHOOL ALL-STARS | 2019 ANNUAL REPORT PARTNERS ETHNICITY • 78% Black/African American • 19% Hispanic/Latinx • 2% White • 1% Other EXPENSES • 92% Program • 4% Fundraising • 4% Administration • 69% Government • 26% Foundation • 2% Corporate • 2% Event • 1% Individual REVENUEOUR CHAPTERS NEW YORK 862 STUDENTS 6 SCHOOLS 87% QUALIFY FOR FREE OR REDUCED LUNCH PROGRAM LEADERSHIP GREG COX, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR MICHAEL C. SCHMIDT, BOARD CHAIR AUGUST DIRENZO, HONORARY BOARD CHAIR AFTER-SCHOOL ALL-STARS | 2019 ANNUAL REPORT | 23 PARTNERS ETHNICITY EXPENSES • 95% Program • 1% Fundraising • 4% Administration • 1% Asian/Pacific Islander • 56% Black/African American • 40% Hispanic/Latinx After-School All-Stars New York strives to create strong engagement between home and school, empowering parents to have meaningful participation to further their children’s education. We have operated successfully in New York for more than two decades. In 2019, ASAS NY added two new school sites in upper Manhattan, allowing us to reach more students and support new families. At one of those sites, Washington Heights Expeditionary Learning School, our relationship began through a deep and organic relationship with parents from the school community. As we launched this program site, we worked with students, parents and staff to pinpoint needs. Based on that dialogue, students participated in innovative arts-based programs, among other offerings. At this and all sites, our team works to ensure that After-School All-Stars get a tailored experience that creates a safe and healthy community. • 2% White • 1% White • 6% Corporate • 19% Foundation • 74% Government REVENUE • 0.5% Individual • 0.5% EventOUR CHAPTERS NORTH TEXAS After-School All-Stars North Texas is devoted to closing the opportunity gap for Dallas’ most at-risk youth. We achieve this by identifying and fueling our students’ individual passions, tying their interests to tailored academic support, enrichment, and health and fitness programming. In addition, we weave social-emotional learning (SEL) into all our programming, helping youth make positive decisions, foster a growth mindset, and develop skills and behaviors for leadership, resilience, empathy, and more. Our student-directed projects engage students’ imaginations and extend the classroom to their playing fields, neighborhoods, and homes and help them gain the confidence and skills they need to lead in their communities. We aim to provide students with the necessary enrichment programs and support to develop their individual skillsets to become strong thriving contributors in the community. 920 STUDENTS 6 SCHOOLS 84% QUALIFY FOR FREE OR REDUCED LUNCH PROGRAM LEADERSHIP JUSTIN HENSLEY, INTERIM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR BEN LANGE, BOARD CHAIR 24 | AFTER-SCHOOL ALL-STARS | 2019 ANNUAL REPORT PARTNERS ETHNICITYEXPENSES • 87% Program • 9% Fundraising • 4% Administration • 1% Asian/Pacific Islander • 27% Black/African American • 68% Hispanic/Latinx • 4% White • 6% Corporate • 65% Foundation • 4% In-Kind • 3% Individual • 16% Event • 6% Government REVENUEOUR CHAPTERS ORLANDO After-School All-Stars Orlando aims to cultivate a supportive and empowering community for all students. We realize not every child may have a positive perception of what the word “home” means, but our hope is that they will feel at home in ASAS and feel that they belong. We want students to feel empowered to be young, full of life, and fully themselves. We aspire to ensure every student has an enjoyable experience where students can relish personal growth unlike ever before. We have been fortunate to make an impact on Alexis. Starting in middle school, she has soared through our program, telling her story and sharing her truth. She just completed our high school workforce program and is on her way to success. She advocates for others and models integrity, showing them that they too can have an authentic voice. She remains involved in her community and aspires to be a sports attorney. We value her commitment and appreciate everything she continues to do for all our All-Stars! 3,994 STUDENTS 14 SCHOOLS 79% QUALIFY FOR FREE OR REDUCED LUNCH PROGRAM LEADERSHIP DAN TOFFOLI, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR COLBY ARROW, BOARD CHAIR MAYOR BUDDY DYER, HONORARY CHAIR AFTER-SCHOOL ALL-STARS | 2019 ANNUAL REPORT | 25 PARTNERS ETHNICITY • 3% Asian/Pacific Islander • 39% Black/African American • 36% Hispanic/Latinx • 19% White • 3% Other EXPENSES • 91% Program • 1% Fundraising • 8% Administration • 5% Foundation • 52% Government • 37% In-Kind • 1% Individual • 5% Event REVENUEOUR CHAPTERS philadelphia & camden After-School All-Stars Philadelphia & Camden offers programs in the heart of both cities. Programming includes intentional Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) and Healthy Living curricula as well as Academic Readiness, STEM, Career Exploration Experiences, and Visual and Performing Arts. Activities complement the academic mission of each school site by engaging family members in the learning process and providing services for adult family members. ASAS P&C aims to go beyond after-school programming to ensure all students get equal opportunity to succeed in school and in life. We focus on building relationships with and for our students, from mentorship to daily social connections with peers. We strive to uplift youth and provide a sense of safety during one of the most unsure periods of their development. Our hope is to empower them to establish outstanding decision-making and relationship-building skills. 499 STUDENTS 7 SCHOOLS 100% QUALIFY FOR FREE OR REDUCED LUNCH PROGRAM LEADERSHIP KELLY WOODLAND, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR LISA LEWIS, BOARD CHAIR 26 | AFTER-SCHOOL ALL-STARS | 2019 ANNUAL REPORT PARTNERS ETHNICITYEXPENSES • 93% Program • 3% Fundraising • 4% Administration • 4% Asian/Pacific Islander • 37% Black/African American • 51% Hispanic/Latinx • 3% White • 5% Other • 7% Corporate • 70% Foundation • 21% Government • 1% Individual • 1% Event REVENUEOUR CHAPTERS puget sound After-School All-Stars Puget Sound actively strives to fulfill Greater Seattle’s need for comprehensive after-school programs tailored for middle school youth in under-resourced communities. In addition to homework help and tutoring, we offer a variety of enrichment and wellness programs, including DJ/music production, coding and game design, outdoor education, dance, career exploration, cooking, cultural arts, service-learning, social-emotional learning, sports, photography, and more. We also coordinate several field trips throughout the school year as part of our career exploration initiative. For instance, students in our after-school programs have visited T-Mobile, Microsoft, Amazon, Alaska Airlines, Camp Waskowitz, several local professional sports facilities and offices (Seahawks, Mariners, Sounders) and more. These unique, enriching experiences help students develop the hard and soft skills needed to build resilience and create their own paths to success. 597 STUDENTS 3 SCHOOLS 70% QUALIFY FOR FREE OR REDUCED LUNCH PROGRAM LEADERSHIP RANNA DAUD, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR CHRISTIAN TINDER, BOARD CHAIR AFTER-SCHOOL ALL-STARS | 2019 ANNUAL REPORT | 27 PARTNERS ETHNICITY • 25% Asian/Pacific Islander • 36% Black/African American • 18% Hispanic/Latinx • 18% White • 3% Other Living Legacy Foundation EXPENSES • 93% Program • 3% Fundraising • 4% Administration • 33% Foundation • 32% Corporate • 23% Government • 7% Event • 5% Individual REVENUEOUR CHAPTERS SAN ANTONIO Since its inception, After-School All-Stars San Antonio has advocated tirelessly for the support and expansion of the chapter. ASAS San Antonio can now proudly be found in 35 schools, including all ten elementary schools in the Edgewood Independent School District, plus Brentwood Middle School, and in 24 schools in the San Antonio ISD. We work with local stakeholders to create opportunities and strengthen students’ sense of community. For example, all our schools participate in San Antonio’s annual Fiesta Week, for which students design a medal. The ASAS San Antonio board selects the winning design and funds the production of medals to give students, who wear them proudly. 3,143 STUDENTS 35 SCHOOLS 93% QUALIFY FOR FREE OR REDUCED LUNCH PROGRAM LEADERSHIP DR. PATRICIA KARAM, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR JANE MACON, BOARD CHAIR 28 | AFTER-SCHOOL ALL-STARS | 2019 ANNUAL REPORT PARTNERS ETHNICITY • 3% Black/African American • 95% Hispanic/Latinx • 2% White EXPENSES • 95% Program • 5% Administration • 95% Government • 5% Other REVENUE OUR CHAPTERS SOUTH FLORIDA After-School All Stars South Florida helps shape the futures of our at-risk youth students through our free comprehensive programs, which provide a safe environment for students to practice leadership, learn about responsibility, and channel energy productively. Our programs offer homework assistance, service projects, fitness activities, art projects, and career exploration, among others. By tying students’ individual passions and interests to tailored academic and extracurricular support, we help our All-Stars gain critical social and emotional skills to become confident, adaptable adults. 3,697 STUDENTS 38 SCHOOLS 72% QUALIFY FOR FREE OR REDUCED LUNCH PROGRAM LEADERSHIP SEAN PROSPECT, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR CARLOS SALADRIGAS, BOARD CHAIR AFTER-SCHOOL ALL-STARS | 2019 ANNUAL REPORT | 29 PARTNERS ETHNICITY • 1% Asian/Pacific Islander • 53% Black/African American • 42% Hispanic/Latinx • 2% White • 2% Other EXPENSES • 90% Program • 4% Fundraising • 6% Administration • 59% Government • 23% Other • 6% In-Kind • 5% Event • 3% Foundation • 2% Corporate • 2% Individual REVENUENext >